Four years strong and still looking for ways to stay innovative in the service industry...

Since we started this business a few years ago, we have learned a lot about the service industry and how to cater to the customer. Over the years we have developed a lot of new errand and delivery services in mind to satisfy our core customers, we also created new procedures to balance the demand for our services for new clients. We have grown very rapidly over the years while experiencing a definite growth in a few services.

One service pertaining to the elderly and disabled clients has had the most growth. The elderly are particularly affected by our services because it gives them the freedom to spend their time on more relaxing tasks. If we handle all of the errands they have, then they have more time to enjoy life! We strive to develop a strong connection with these two communities to provide them with the care and responsible business practices that they deserve.

We have also done our best to expand the demographic of the average client we service by creating more unique marketing campaigns focused to create a sense of relief for them finding our service. As suggested by so many of our customers we started creating ads that express how relieved the customers would be once they found out all the things that our service could help them with. We have adopted the phrase “Relax. We got it.” which is just simply put we will take care of everything.

Economy Errand will be starting a new campaign that was also suggested by a customer. The customer felt a warm sense of security and assurance while trusting Economy Errands with her tasks so she suggested a thank you card displaying how happy she was for the errands we completed for her. This campaign will start very soon with letters from “Thanks, Sherry.”


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